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Business Transformation - Powered By Technology Partnerships

Machine Learning - Intelligent Data Labelling platform

    • Image & Video Annotation
    • Annotate videos intact – avoid splitting videos into images or small clips
    • Object Tracking
    • Automatically localizes objects in video with non-linear changes in speed and direction annotate
    • Natural Language Processing(NLP)

Robotics Process Automation

  • Draw RPA Strategy
  • Process Identification and Mapping
  • BOT Design & Development
  • BOT Deployment & Monitoring
  • Maintenance & Training & Improvemen
  • Optimize the automated process to enable efficiency and accuracy
  • Integrate RPA with mainstream IT/Systems to make it integral part of Eco system

Speech Diarization

  • User based speech to text services.
  • Identify & split content based on speakers on telephonic and video conversations
  • High Accuracy output by using platform capabilities
Image & Annotations For Computer Vision

Image & Annotations For Computer Vision

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP)