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  • Covid-19 Advisory drafted outlining rules of hygiene, social distancing and travel restrictions.
  • Advisory continues to be updated and circulated regularly according to government advisories.


  • Multiple awareness sessions held across centers reiterating precautions in the advisory. The sessions were held online initially and later offline as well.
  • Posters depicting precautions to be taken displayed across all centers


  • All centers equipped with materials for sanitization. Masks distributed to employees. New protocol drafted and implemented for visitors at centers. Body temperature of employees and visitors was checked during punch-in via contact-less devices.
  • Offices sanitized every 2 hours, seating arrangement of the employees done to ensure social distancing. Every employee mandated to report in case they were going to attend a family function or were traveling out of town, employees had to submit a RTPCR report upon rejoining.
  • All teams in close communication with Supervisors & Leadership Group

BCP During Covid

Fire Safety

Awareness Training & Annual Fire Drills

  • Fire Safety Training
  • Disaster Management & Emergency Drill Training
  • Fire Marshall Planning
  • Evacuation Drill
  • Observations Meet